Wheelchair user entering WAV

Passenger WAV taster experiences are coming to One Big Day Peterborough

Visitors to our One Big Day event in Peterborough can experience what it’s like to travel in a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV). The event taking place at the East of England Arena on Saturday 7 September, will offer passenger WAV taster experiences as well as test drives in a wide range of standard vehicles including some fitted with popular driving adaptations.

The passenger WAV taster experiences are available in either a small, medium or large WAV, depending on which is the most suitable vehicle to fit the size of your wheelchair and your lifestyle needs.

It’s important to note that these sessions are not a replacement for a home demonstration as passengers cannot specify which WAV they would like to try. The aim is that these short tasters will give people considering a passenger WAV for the first time a feel for what it’s like before arranging a home demonstration.

WAV passenger

Each passenger WAV taster experience takes place with a qualified driving instructor and lasts half an hour. A specialist Motability Scheme representative will be on hand to assist with selecting the right vehicle for you and answering any questions you may have.

WAV or standard vehicle test drive experiences can be booked on the day through the bookings desk in the test drive area. For standard test drives, please do remember your full UK driving licence.

One Big Day events take place across the country each year, offering disabled motorists and their families a chance to discover worry-free motoring through the Motability Scheme. The Peterborough One Big Day is free to attend and will showcase a wide range of vehicles available through the Motability Scheme.

Find out more about The Big Event and the regional One Big Days and for the latest announcements, pictures and videos, visit the Motability Scheme Facebook page.

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