Kosmo powered wheelchair

New film: Powered wheelchair with extendable seat

Over the summer we filmed a number of the latest products available to lease on the Motability Scheme. In the next of our series of films, find out more about the Quantum Kozmo powered wheelchair.

Designed with flexibility in mind, the seat of the wheelchair can be increased or decreased from 12″ to 18″ in width or depth to accommodate a child as they grow, or adults needing a maximum seat size of 18″ width or depth.

The Kozmo can also be dismantled into four parts so it can be transported in a car. Find out more about this powered wheelchair and the other products you can lease through the Scheme by using our Scooter Search tool.

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The Motability Scheme enables disabled people and their families to access a brand new car or scooter, by exchanging their mobility allowance to lease the vehicle of their choice. Find out more:

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