Manufacturer recalls

Manufacturers are always looking for new features to make your driving experience more comfortable and enjoyable, maximise space, and to help the environment. As a result, cars have become sophisticated and complicated machines. For example, the average high-end car today has over four times more lines of computer code than an F35 fighter jet!

As with all technology, it is always possible that something in the design or manufacturing process can go wrong. If this happens, and a manufacturer becomes aware of safety concerns about a certain vehicle or specific part or accessory, they may issue a recall so they can carry out repairs.

Recall notification

Although we own the vehicles leased through the Motability Scheme, we are not the ‘registered keeper’. The registered keeper is the person whose name is registered with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency in Section 5 of the vehicle’s log book or V5C. In the case of Motability Scheme cars, this is the customer. As the registered keeper, Scheme customers will receive, and are responsible for, any official communications such as parking and speeding tickets, and vehicle recall letters.

If a manufacturer issues a recall for your Motability Scheme car, they must notify you (as the registered keeper of the vehicle) along with the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency. They will send you a letter which should clearly state that it is a safety recall notice, and what you are required to do.

Responding to a recall

If you receive a recall notice, please respond as soon as possible, and do not ignore it. Recalls are precautionary, and you will still be able to use your car. However, it is very important that you follow any instructions given and get the vehicle repaired. You should contact the manufacturer – a dedicated helpline number is usually provided, or speak to your Motability Scheme dealer.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that a recall is dealt with and remedial work carried out. You will not be charged for any work carried out under the recall. If you are likely to be without your car for an extended period, the dealer may be able to offer you a temporary vehicle or find another suitable option to keep you mobile.

Checking if a recall has been issued

Increasingly, safety recalls all over the world are receiving media interest and, therefore, you may see stories about vehicles in the UK being recalled.

If you are concerned that your vehicle is affected, but have not yet received a formal recall notice from the manufacturer, speak to your dealership, visit the manufacturer’s website or call their helpline.

The Motability Scheme enables disabled people and their families to get out and about by exchanging their mobility allowance to lease a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair. Find out more:   

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