Public Transport

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Top tips for using public transport with a powered wheelchair or scooter

Do you need to travel on public transport with a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair? Read our tips for using trains, buses, coaches, or taxis with your Scheme mobility aid.

Everyday tips

Travelling with an assistance dog in the UK: what you need to know

If you have an assistance dog, it's likely you'll need to travel with them in your Motability Scheme car or on other modes of transport. Here are some key things you'll need to consider, including travel rules and top tips.

Everyday tips

Getting around with a hidden disability

If you have a hidden disability, it may feel difficult to access the support you need to help you stay mobile. Find out what help is available and how to access it here.

Everyday tips
View inside a train showing a disability sticker

South Western Railway launches 10 minutes’ notice assistance scheme

Disabled or elderly passengers who need assistance to board trains will be able to turn up and travel rather than book six hours ahead, under a scheme launched by South Western Railway. Read this article to find out more.


Tens of thousands of rail staff to be trained to help disabled passengers

Huge numbers of railway staff are being trained to help disabled passengers this year. This article from PA Motoring Service has more details.


Campaign launched to improve disabled passengers’ journeys

The Government has launched a new campaign to help improve the journeys of disabled people on public transport. Read on for more.


Helen Dolphin’s guide to rail travel during Coronavirus

With restrictions being eased, people are getting out and about more and for many this means travelling by rail. Here, Helen Dolphin details what to expect as a disabled passenger if you need to get the train.

Everyday tips

From the Motability Scheme


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