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New Scottish disability allowance launching this month

Social Security Scotland are introducing a new disability allowance for adults living in Scotland. It’s called Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance. Find out who’s eligible and what it means for you.

Scheme news

Accessible Vehicles and Equipment scheme in Scotland

The Scottish Government have launched the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme. Find out what this means for Motability Scheme customers in Scotland.

Everyday tips

An update on Adult Disability Payment case transfers in Scotland

Social Security Scotland have recently introduced a new disability allowance for adults living in Scotland called Adult Disability Payment. Keep reading to learn more about what this could mean for you.

Scheme news

My favourite Scottish drives: an accessible road trip at the Three Lochs Forest Drive

Your Motability Scheme car gives you the freedom to travel and explore new places. In this article, Scottish disability blogger and Scheme customer Emma Muldoon discusses one of her favourite accessible road trips around the Three Lochs Forest Drive.


An update on disability assistance payments in Scotland

Social Security Scotland has been preparing to take over the delivery of disability benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for people in Scotland. Read more about this here.

Everyday tips
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Motability Scheme accredited in Scotland

The Scottish Government has accredited the Motability Scheme to provide cars, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, scooters and powered wheelchairs, to eligible disabled people.

Scheme news

From the Motability Scheme


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