My accessible day out in Liverpool

Sharon Kilty runs Arthritis Care’s online community, where people come together and share their personal experiences, offering advice to others in similar suggestions. Sharon is very fond of Liverpool and is particularly impressed with the accessibility of the maritime city, in the North West of England.

I love being independent and going out and about. Over the last three years I have been visiting Liverpool regularly and I have found it to be very accessible and very welcoming, I have never been made to feel that I am a nuisance.

The shopping centre at Liverpool One is fully accessible, the lifts that take you from floor to floor are big enough to turn around in if you need to and the buttons are easily reached. The top floor of Liverpool One has a large variety of places to eat and a great park area which snakes back down to the ground level. The cinema is also on the top floor and is brilliant. It’s fully accessible with wheelchair spaces that are in the middle of the seating area so that you have a great view of the screen. The cinema also includes an IMAX screen. I have been a few times on my own and I have been able to manage on my own completely.

Occasionally, I follow up my trip to the cinema with a meal at YO! Sushi which is just across the court yard area. They have a table suitable to sit at and will quickly get you seated. There are brilliant toilets in John Lewis and also in the Q Park on the level with the disabled parking spaces. Parking your car in the city is easy if you park on the road as you don’t have to pay to park in these spaces if you put your Blue Badge on display. The only difficult place is the car parks with barriers as I often find the ticket machine is quite low, so worth noting this.

The docks are a also great place to go down to, there are bits that have cobbled surfaces but they are not too difficult to negotiate. The views of the Mersey are amazing and looking up into the city is inspiring. Within the immediate city centre there are plenty of dropped curbs and so many places to visit, I have yet to find a museum or art gallery I couldn’t get in to. Bold Street is the trendy place to visit and have a coffee, not everywhere looks accessible but if you ask, many places have ramps to put out and they are always keen to help. Both cathedrals are accessible although the catholic entry to the cathedral is a bit difficult to find but worth the effort. I will be back up there shortly for another shopping trip in this vibrant city.

For more inspiration on days out around the UK, see other Days Out blogs

Find out how to download the brand-new edition of the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain

About the Motability Scheme

The Motability Scheme exists to give customers, their families and carers greater freedom to get out and do the day-to-day things they need and want to do, by enabling them to exchange all or part of their mobility allowance for leasing a car, scooter or powered wheelchair.

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