
Focus on driving adaptations: push/pull hand controls

The Motability Scheme offers around 400 adaptations that may make it easier to drive a standard car. We spoke to Bill Bradley, owner and managing director of adaptation company BAS, to find out about their new push/pull brake/accelerator hand control, which is now available on the Motability Scheme.

What is a push/pull hand control?

A push/pull hand control allows a driver to operate the brake and accelerator using their hands. This type of adaptation is suited for those with limited mobility or strength in their legs. 

Adapt and order

It’s easiest, and also most cost effective, to arrange adaptations when ordering your car. This way your adaptation installer can ensure that your combination of car and adaptation work together.

Find out more

How do they work?

Push/pull hand controls can be fitted in one of two ways: either steering column mounted or floor mounted. In both cases, you would pull the hand control to accelerate and push to brake.

BAS’s hand control is floor mounted and fitted to the right of the driver’s legs. As it’s floor mounted, there’s no need to fix the controls to the steering column, meaning drivers can still move the steering wheel. This approach from BAS allows for full movement of the steering wheel to fit the driver’s specific needs.

BAS offer five different handles, which they can make available at a test drive so customers can try out each one before making a decision.

There are pros and cons for both types of installation. For example, some customers prefer steering column mounted hand controls if they need the space in the footwell, but adaptations installers are best placed to recommend the right solution for individual needs.

If you’re unsure which adaptations would work best for you, ‘Driving Mobility’ offer driving assessments in centres across the UK. You can find out more by clicking here.

What do they cost?

Most push/pull hand controls are available at no additional cost at the start of your lease.

A range of hand controls will be on display at The Big Event and regional One Big Days, find out more by clicking here.

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