Earlier this year we welcomed Andrew Miller as our new CEO. Andrew has a wealth of experience behind him, having previously worked for Guardian Media Group and Autotrader.
We spoke with Andrew to find out a bit more about the man behind the role:
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m 54. I’m Scottish originally but I’ve lived down South for 30 years. I have three kids, all in their twenties. And I’m happily married, even after lockdown!
What would you normally be doing having just joined a new organisation?
Normally I’d be out and about, having coffees and catch ups with employees, customers and suppliers alike. Unfortunately, the current situation we’re in means this will take a bit longer.
What has been your impression so far?
Firstly, it’s such a brilliant organisation! Customer satisfaction is 98%, that’s very impressive when you consider we have over 600,000 customers. What we support is incredibly important. Mobility is fundamental to having freedom and independence. It’s fantastic being part of a company that has that as its core purpose.
Where do you see the biggest opportunities for the Motability Scheme?
The Scheme is the largest single purchaser of cars in the UK and indirectly one of the largest insurers and purchaser of fleet services such as breakdown support. The world we sit in is changing rapidly through technology and our customers will expect us to change with it. Embracing these changes alongside our scale and service ethos create the greatest opportunity for the Scheme
What do you like doing in your down time?
Down time’s not something I’ve had a lot of over the last few years! But I love going back to Scotland, climbing and walking and getting in the hills when I can. I also love the arts and music, I’m an aging rocker; I’ll listen to anything from The Clash to Bruce Springsteen. I also enjoy watching sport, especially football… unfortunately I’m an Arsenal supporter!
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